This Web site supports the HL7® FHIR® standard with SMART® v1.0 authorization

Version 33.0.0-prerelease66653
(Consumers 33.0.0-prerelease66653, HIEBus 33.0.0-prerelease27841)

Available end points

Also available as json

HIEBus™ WebClient

DSTU2 – documented here, try it here.

HIEBus™ WebClient

R4 (provider index) – documented here, try it here.

HIEBus™ WebClient

R4 – documented here, try it here.

HIEBus™ WebClient

R4 – documented here, try it here.

HIEBus™ WebClient

STU3 – documented here, try it here.

Getting started

All end points require authentication, so first login - either registering yourself or using a Google account:

Once logged in you have access to all data through all FHIR end points ('provider' access).

You can play with the FHIR end points using the built-in test page (see links at the top of this page for each end point):

or get a bearer token here and use it in PostMan, curl or other similar tools (or in your own code).

Register your SMART apps here.The OAuth 2.0 authorization and token URLs can be obtained from the FHIR end points as per the SMART-on-FHIR specifications.

The are same test patient accounts - ie users linked to a specific patient and that can access only its data (and the data of dependants in some cases).

Bulk data and backend services authentication

All end points support the bulk data access protocol

Backend services authentication is supported as well.

For testing there is a pre-registered client ID and certificate; see here for all the details.

Further reading

More documentation and tutorials can be found here

Release notes

See the release notes for a list of all the FHIR API changes by major system version.


Please subscribe to the CareEvolution FHIR group to receive notifications about important changes and upgrades. Use the same group for question and support (works also sending emails to