API end point: https://fhir.careevolution.com/Master.Adapter1.WebClient/api/fhir-r4-strict.

Resource DocumentReference (R4)

Maps the CareEvolution Report concept to DocumentReference when report contains clinical notes. It is expected that there will be some overlap with DiagnosticReport.

Supported interactions

Search parameters

Name Type Modifiers , prefixes Multiple values Can be chained Description
_count Special eq

The maximum number of resources to return in a result page.

_elements Special eq

Used to request a specific set of elements be returned as part of a resource.

_id Token Yes

Resource id

_lastUpdated Date eq ne lt le gt ge sa eb ap

When the resource last changed

_source Uri :missing Yes

Where the resource comes from

_summary Special eq

Used to return only a portion of the resouces. Defaults to 'false', which returns the whole resource.

_total Special eq

Use the value 'estimate' to populate the result bundle's 'total' element with an estimate of the matching number of resources.

authenticator Reference (Practitioner) :missing Yes Yes

Who/what authenticated the document

author Reference (Practitioner) :missing Yes Yes

Who and/or what authored the document

category Token :missing Yes

The classification of the type of report - path DocumentReference.category.
Matches CareEvolution reports whose type is in a term subset with scope 'http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/CodeSystem/us-core-documentreference-category' and name equal to clinical-notes'.

date Date :missing eq ne lt le gt ge sa eb ap

When this document reference was created

encounter Reference (Encounter) :missing Yes Yes

Context of the document content

patient Reference (Patient) :missing Yes Yes

The patient the DocumentReference is about

period Date :missing eq ne lt le gt ge sa eb ap

Time of service that is being documented

provenance-agent Reference (Organization) :missing Yes Yes

Search by provenance, specified by its author (aka originator) Organization

status Token :not :in :not-in :missing Yes

current | superseded | entered-in-error

subject Reference (Patient) :missing Yes Yes

The patient the DocumentReference is about. Functionally identical to the "patient" search parameter.

type Token :not :in :not-in :missing Yes

Kind of document (LOINC if possible)


Supports multiple sorts



To FHIR mappings

CareEvolution FHIR
Comment text
CopyToCaregivers extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#documentReference-copyToCaregivers')
DataSource extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#dataSource')
DictatedByCaregiverID author
Domain: DocumentReferenceStatus
Bindings:  valueset-document-reference-status
EncounterID context.encounter
FillerAssigningAuthority identifier
FillerOrderNumber identifier
Identifier identifier
ObservationDate context.period
OrderID extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#documentReference-orderId')
PatientID subject
PlacerAssigningAuthority identifier
PlacerOrderNumber identifier
ReportContent content.attachment
ReportFormat content.attachment
Domain: ReportStatus
Bindings:  valueset-composition-status
Bindings:  valueset-document-reference-status
Maps DocumentReferenceStatus, if it has no value uses ReportStatus
ReportStatusDate date
Summary description
Domain: ReportType
Bindings:  http://snomed.info/sct  http://loinc.org
Bindings:  us-core-documentreference-category
VerifiedByCaregiverID authenticator

From FHIR mappings

CareEvolution FHIR
Comment text
DataSource extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#dataSource')
DictatedByCaregiverID author
Domain: DocumentReferenceStatus
Bindings:  valueset-document-reference-status
EncounterID context.encounter
FillerAssigningAuthority identifier
FillerOrderNumber identifier
Identifier identifier
ObservationDate context.period
PatientID subject
PlacerAssigningAuthority identifier
PlacerOrderNumber identifier
ReportContent content.attachment
ReportFormat content.attachment
Domain: ReportStatus
Bindings:  valueset-composition-status
ReportStatusDate date
Summary description
Domain: ReportType
Bindings:  http://snomed.info/sct  http://loinc.org
VerifiedByCaregiverID authenticator