API end point: https://fhir.careevolution.com/Master.Adapter1.WebClient/api/fhir-stu3.

Resource CareTeam (STU3)

Maps read-only CareEvolution CareTeam participant concepts. There can only be a single CareTeam resource per patient which aggregates all of the patients CareTeam participants.

Supported interactions

Search parameters

Name Type Modifiers , prefixes Multiple values Can be chained Description
_count Special eq

The maximum number of resources to return in a result page.

_elements Special eq

Used to request a specific set of elements be returned as part of a resource.

_id Token Yes

Resource id

_lastUpdated Date lt le gt ge

When the resource last changed

_source Uri :missing Yes

Where the resource comes from

_summary Special eq

Used to return only a portion of the resouces. Defaults to 'false', which returns the whole resource.

_total Special eq

Use the value 'estimate' to populate the result bundle's 'total' element with an estimate of the matching number of resources.

patient Reference (Patient) :missing Yes Yes

The patient the CareTeam is about

provenance-agent Reference (Organization) :missing Yes Yes

Search by provenance, specified by its author (aka originator) Organization

status Token :missing Yes

proposed | active | suspended | inactive | entered-in-error

subject Reference (Patient) :missing Yes Yes

The patient the CareTeam is about. Functionally identical to the "patient" search parameter.


Supports multiple sorts


To FHIR mappings

FHIR CareEvolution
participant.extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#careTeamParticipant-assignedGroup') CareTasks.AssignedGroup
participant.extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#careTeamParticipant-assignedPerson') CareTasks.AssignedPerson
participant.extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#careTeamParticipant-note') CareTasks.Note
participant.extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#careTeamParticipant-observationChildren') Observations.ChildObservations
participant.extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#careTeamParticipant-status') CareTasks.Status
Domain: CareTaskStatus
participant.extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#properties') CareTasks.Properties
participant.member CareTasks.CaregiverID
participant.period CareTasks.StartDate
participant.period.start Observations.ObservationDate
Bindings:  http://www.ada.org/cdt  https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/HCPCSReleaseCodeSets  http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/ICD10  http://loinc.org  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm  http://snomed.info/sct
Domain: CareTaskType
subject PatientID