API end point: https://fhir.careevolution.com/Master.Adapter1.WebClient/api/fhir-providers
. It implements the R4 FHIR version
and its US Core implementation guide
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See the terms of use
Identifier type code | System URI | OID |
CaregiverIdentifier | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#CaregiverIdentifier | |
FhirPatientID | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#FhirPatientID | |
HCID | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#HCID | |
LastFourSSN | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#LastFourSSN | |
MCID | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MCID | |
MedicaidID | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MedicaidID | |
MemberID | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MemberID | |
MRN | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MRN | |
NaicCode | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#NaicCode | |
NPI | http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-npi | 2.16.840.1.113883.4.6 |
ProviderID | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#ProviderID | |
SSN | http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn | 2.16.840.1.113883.4.1 |
TIN | urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.4 | 2.16.840.1.113883.4.4 |
UserName | http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#UserName |
When mapping from FHIR the (optional) OID is considered equivalent to the corresponding system URI.
FHIR | CareEvolution |
Organization | EntityProvider |
Practitioner | IndividualProvider |
PractitionerRole | IndividualEntityRelationship |
Code | Card. | Type | Context | Definition |
allergyIntolerance-alertDevice | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | AllergyIntolerance resources | HL7 IAM.16 - patient device to communicate their allergy, e.g. bracelet, wallet card, necklace |
allergyIntolerance-group | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | AllergyIntolerance resources | HL7 IAM.10 - group/class of medications of the reaction |
allergyIntolerance-reportedByRelationshipType | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | AllergyIntolerance resources | Relationship type of who reported the allergy |
allergyIntolerance-verifiedDate | 0..1 | dateTime | AllergyIntolerance resources | The date/time the allergy was verified by a caregiver |
auditEvent-durationMilliseconds | 0..1 | integer | AuditEvent resources | Duration of the event - e.g. page load |
auditEvent-screenName | 0..1 | string | AuditEvent resources | The name of the screen during a page load |
auditEvent-sessionID | 0..1 | string | AuditEvent resources | Unique Identifier for user session |
careTaskGroup-type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | CarePlan resources | Type of CareTaskGroup. For example: CareGap, General, etc.. |
careTeamParticipant-assignedGroup | 0..1 | string | CareTeam resources | Group for the CareTeam Participant |
careTeamParticipant-assignedPerson | 0..1 | string | CareTeam resources | Name of CareTeam Participant |
careTeamParticipant-note | 0..1 | string | CareTeam resources | Note about CareTeam Paticipant |
careTeamParticipant-observationChildren | 0..1 | (complex) | CareTeam resources | Additional details for CareTeam participant |
careTeamParticipant-status | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | CareTeam resources | Status of CareTeam Participant |
claim-adjudicationDate | 0..1 | dateTime | Claim resources | The date/time the claim was adjudicated |
claim-admitDate | 0..1 | dateTime | Claim resources | The date/time the patient was admitted |
claim-admitSource | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Point of origin for admission |
claim-amountPaid | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Amount paid for service |
claim-billClass | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Billing class for claim |
claim-controlNumber | 0..1 | string | Claim resources | Control number of the claim |
claim-dischargeDate | 0..1 | dateTime | Claim resources | The date/time the patient was discharged |
claim-disposition | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Disposition of the claim |
claim-drg | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) code |
claim-encounterID | 0..1 | Reference | Claim resources | The encounter associated with this claim |
claim-endDate | 0..1 | dateTime | Claim resources | The date/time the claim or claim service ended |
claim-facilityType | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Facility type where claim service or product was supplied |
claim-innetwork | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Indicator if Claim is in/out of network |
claim-locationType | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Type of service on the claim |
claim-mrn | 0..1 | string | Claim resources | Medical record number of patient |
claim-nonPaymentReason | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Reason for non-payment |
claim-paidDate | 0..1 | dateTime | Claim resources | The date/time the claim was paid |
claim-patientPaid | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | $ paid by patient |
claim-patientStatus | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Discharge status |
claim-problemDate | 0..1 | dateTime | FhirLibrary.MultipleResourceExtensionContext | Date of condition on the claim |
claim-referralID | 0..1 | string | Claim resources | The Referral ID for the claim |
claim-revision | 0..1 | integer | Claim resources | Revision number of the claim |
claimService-allowedamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim line compensation amount |
claimService-coinsuranceamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim line coinsurance amount |
claimService-copayamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim line copay amount |
claimService-deductibleamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim line deductible amount |
claimService-hsapaidamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim line paid by patient HSA |
claimService-nonPaymentReason | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Reason for non-payment |
claimService-notcoveredamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim line not covered amount |
claimService-patientresponsibleamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim line for which the patient is responsible/liable |
claim-status | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Claim resources | Status of the claim or claim line status |
claim-totalAllowed | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Total $ allowed by payer |
claim-totalcoinsuranceamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Patient Coinsurance $ |
claim-totalcopayamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Patient co-payment $ |
claim-totaldeductibleamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Patient deductible $ |
claim-totalhsapaidamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim $ paid by patient HSA |
claim-totalnotcoveredamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim $ not covered |
claim-totalPaid | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Total $ paid for claim |
claim-totalPatientPaid | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Total $ patient paid for claim |
claim-totalpatientresponsibleamount | 0..1 | decimal | Claim resources | Claim $ for which the patient is responsible/liable |
conceptMap-map-method | 0..1 | code | Element(s) group.element.target of ConceptMap resources | How the mapping was created |
condition-claimReference | 0..1 | Reference | Condition resources | The claim associated with this condition |
condition-claimRevision | 0..1 | integer | Condition resources | Revision number of the claim |
condition-eobReference | 0..1 | Reference | Condition resources | The explanation of benefit associated with this condition |
condition-referralReference | 0..1 | Reference | Condition resources | The referral associated with this condition |
Consent.verification.verifiedBy | 0..1 | Reference | Consent resources | The primary caregiver associated to this Insurance |
consent-comment | 0..1 | string | Consent resources | The comment associated to this Consent |
consent-encounterID | 0..1 | Reference | Consent resources | The Encounter associated to this Consent |
coverage-authorizationDate | 0..1 | dateTime | Coverage resources | Authorization Date |
coverage-authorizationNumber | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Authorization Number |
coverage-authorizationSource | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Authorization Source |
coverage-details | 0..1 | (complex) | Coverage resources | Details about the insurance |
coverage-encounterID | 0..1 | Reference | Coverage resources | The encounter associated with this Insurance |
coverage-groupEmpName | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insurance Group Employee Name |
coverage-groupName | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Group Name of the insurance |
coverage-insuranceCompanyIdentifier | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insurance Company Identifier |
coverage-insuranceCompanyIdentifierType | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Coverage resources | Insurance Company Identifier Type |
coverage-insuredAddress | 0..1 | Address | Coverage resources | Insured Address |
coverage-insuredAltPhone | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insured alternate phone |
coverage-insuredDob | 0..1 | dateTime | Coverage resources | Insured Date of Birth |
coverage-insuredGender | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insured gender |
coverage-insuredName | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insured Name |
coverage-insuredPhone | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insured phone |
coverage-insuredSsn | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insured Social Security Number |
coverage-medicaidCaseName | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Medicaid Case Name |
coverage-medicaidCaseNumber | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Medicaid Case Number |
coverage-medicareCardNumber | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Medicare Card Number |
coverage-pharmacyCoverage | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Pharmacy Coverage in the insurance |
coverage-policyNumber | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Insurance Policy Number |
coverage-primaryCaregiver | 0..1 | Reference | Coverage resources | The primary caregiver associated with this Insurance |
coverage-rateCode | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Coverage resources | Insurance Rate Code |
coverage-segment | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Coverage resources | Insured Segment |
coverage-sequence | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Sequence of the insurance |
coverage-site | 0..1 | Reference | Coverage resources | Primary Providers Site Information |
coverage-sponsor | 0..1 | string | Coverage resources | Sponser for the insurance |
coverage-type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Coverage resources | Insurance Type |
dataSource | 0..1 | (complex) | FhirLibrary.MultipleResourceExtensionContext | Data source |
derived | 0..* | Reference | BackboneElement elements | Reference to a possible resource derived from this element |
diagnosticReport-copyToCaregivers | 0..1 | (complex) | Coverage resources | Caregivers to whom results should be copied. OBR-28 |
diagnosticReport-documentReferenceStatus | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | DiagnosticReport resources | Stores the status of the DocumentReference object, which is independent of the ReportStatus https://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/STU3.1.1/StructureDefinition-us-core-documentreference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.status |
diagnosticReport-hl7MessageId | 0..1 | integer | DiagnosticReport resources | An identifier for the originating hl7 message |
diagnosticReport-hl7ParentObservationSubId | 0..1 | string | DiagnosticReport resources | SubID from OBR 26.2 |
diagnosticReport-parentFillerOrderIdentifier | 0..1 | Identifier | DiagnosticReport resources | The filler order number for the parent LabReport. OBR 29.2.1 |
diagnosticReport-parentObservation | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | DiagnosticReport resources | Term associated with the parent observation. OBR 26.1 |
diagnosticReport-parentPlacerOrderIdentifier | 0..1 | Identifier | DiagnosticReport resources | The placer order number of the parent LabReport. OBR 29.1.1 |
diagnosticReport-specimenActionCode | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | DiagnosticReport resources | Specimen action code from OBR-11.1-3 |
documentReference-copyToCaregivers | 0..1 | (complex) | DocumentReference resources | Caregivers to whom results should be copied. OBR-28 |
documentReference-orderId | 0..1 | Reference | DocumentReference resources | The ServiceRequest associated with this document |
domain | 0..1 | string | Uri elements | Coding system domain |
encounter-drg | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Encounter resources | Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) code |
encounter-eligibilityDate | 0..1 | dateTime | Encounter resources | The date/time of Medicare eligibility |
encounter-hospitalNumber | 0..1 | string | Encounter resources | Legacy value - no longer used |
encounter-organizationRelationships | 0..1 | (complex) | Encounter resources | Organizations related to the encounter |
explanationOfBenefit-adjudicationDate | 0..1 | dateTime | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | The date/time the claim was adjudicated |
explanationOfBenefit-claimRevision | 0..1 | integer | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Revision number of the claim |
explanationOfBenefit-controlNumber | 0..1 | string | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Control number of the claim |
explanationOfBenefit-disposition | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Disposition of the claim |
explanationOfBenefit-encounterID | 0..1 | Reference | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | The encounter associated with this claim |
explanationOfBenefitItem-alternateIdentifier | 0..1 | string | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Secondary Identifier |
explanationOfBenefitItem-caregiverReference | 0..1 | Reference | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Prescriber |
explanationOfBenefitItem-comment | 0..1 | string | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Comment on the item |
explanationOfBenefitItem-dose | 0..1 | decimal | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Dose of the medication |
explanationOfBenefitItem-doseUnits | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Units of the dose amount |
explanationOfBenefitItem-filledBy | 0..1 | Reference | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Provider who filled this prescription |
explanationOfBenefitItem-frequency | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Dosage frequency |
explanationOfBenefitItem-isGeneric | 0..1 | boolean | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | The medication is generic |
explanationOfBenefitItem-prescribedDate | 0..1 | dateTime | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Date the medication was prescribed |
explanationOfBenefitItem-problems | 0..* | CodeableConcept | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Problems associated with the item |
explanationOfBenefitItem-reconcileStatus | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Reconcile Status of this medication |
explanationOfBenefitItem-refills | 0..1 | integer | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Number of refills |
explanationOfBenefitItem-status | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Status of the item |
explanationOfBenefitItem-strength | 0..1 | string | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Strength of the medication |
explanationOfBenefitItem-therapeuticClass | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Therapeutic class of the medication |
explanationOfBenefit-mrn | 0..1 | string | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | Medical record number of patient |
explanationOfBenefit-referralReference | 0..1 | Reference | ExplanationOfBenefit resources | The Referral ID for the claim |