API end point: https://fhir.careevolution.com/Master.Adapter1.WebClient/api/fhir-providers. It implements the R4 FHIR version and its US Core implementation guide

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Supported resources

Supported system operations

Standard identifier systems

Identifier type code System URI OID
CaregiverIdentifier http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#CaregiverIdentifier
FhirPatientID http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#FhirPatientID
HCID http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#HCID
LastFourSSN http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#LastFourSSN
MCID http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MCID
MedicaidID http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MedicaidID
MemberID http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MemberID
MRN http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#MRN
NaicCode http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#NaicCode
NPI http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-npi 2.16.840.1.113883.4.6
ProviderID http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#ProviderID
SSN http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn 2.16.840.1.113883.4.1
TIN urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.4 2.16.840.1.113883.4.4
UserName http://careevolution.com/fhiridentifiers#UserName

When mapping from FHIR the (optional) OID is considered equivalent to the corresponding system URI.

CareEvolution concepts mapping

FHIR CareEvolution
Organization EntityProvider
Practitioner IndividualProvider
PractitionerRole IndividualEntityRelationship

Custom extensions

Code Card. Type Context Definition
allergyIntolerance-alertDevice 0..1 CodeableConcept AllergyIntolerance resources HL7 IAM.16 - patient device to communicate their allergy, e.g. bracelet, wallet card, necklace
allergyIntolerance-group 0..1 CodeableConcept AllergyIntolerance resources HL7 IAM.10 - group/class of medications of the reaction
allergyIntolerance-reportedByRelationshipType 0..1 CodeableConcept AllergyIntolerance resources Relationship type of who reported the allergy
allergyIntolerance-verifiedDate 0..1 dateTime AllergyIntolerance resources The date/time the allergy was verified by a caregiver
auditEvent-durationMilliseconds 0..1 integer AuditEvent resources Duration of the event - e.g. page load
auditEvent-screenName 0..1 string AuditEvent resources The name of the screen during a page load
auditEvent-sessionID 0..1 string AuditEvent resources Unique Identifier for user session
careTaskGroup-type 0..1 CodeableConcept CarePlan resources Type of CareTaskGroup. For example: CareGap, General, etc..
careTeamParticipant-assignedGroup 0..1 string CareTeam resources Group for the CareTeam Participant
careTeamParticipant-assignedPerson 0..1 string CareTeam resources Name of CareTeam Participant
careTeamParticipant-note 0..1 string CareTeam resources Note about CareTeam Paticipant
careTeamParticipant-observationChildren 0..1 (complex) CareTeam resources Additional details for CareTeam participant
careTeamParticipant-status 0..1 CodeableConcept CareTeam resources Status of CareTeam Participant
claim-adjudicationDate 0..1 dateTime Claim resources The date/time the claim was adjudicated
claim-admitDate 0..1 dateTime Claim resources The date/time the patient was admitted
claim-admitSource 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Point of origin for admission
claim-amountPaid 0..1 decimal Claim resources Amount paid for service
claim-billClass 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Billing class for claim
claim-controlNumber 0..1 string Claim resources Control number of the claim
claim-dischargeDate 0..1 dateTime Claim resources The date/time the patient was discharged
claim-disposition 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Disposition of the claim
claim-drg 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) code
claim-encounterID 0..1 Reference Claim resources The encounter associated with this claim
claim-endDate 0..1 dateTime Claim resources The date/time the claim or claim service ended
claim-facilityType 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Facility type where claim service or product was supplied
claim-innetwork 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Indicator if Claim is in/out of network
claim-locationType 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Type of service on the claim
claim-mrn 0..1 string Claim resources Medical record number of patient
claim-nonPaymentReason 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Reason for non-payment
claim-paidDate 0..1 dateTime Claim resources The date/time the claim was paid
claim-patientPaid 0..1 decimal Claim resources $ paid by patient
claim-patientStatus 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Discharge status
claim-problemDate 0..1 dateTime FhirLibrary.MultipleResourceExtensionContext Date of condition on the claim
claim-referralID 0..1 string Claim resources The Referral ID for the claim
claim-revision 0..1 integer Claim resources Revision number of the claim
claimService-allowedamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim line compensation amount
claimService-coinsuranceamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim line coinsurance amount
claimService-copayamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim line copay amount
claimService-deductibleamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim line deductible amount
claimService-hsapaidamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim line paid by patient HSA
claimService-nonPaymentReason 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Reason for non-payment
claimService-notcoveredamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim line not covered amount
claimService-patientresponsibleamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim line for which the patient is responsible/liable
claim-status 0..1 CodeableConcept Claim resources Status of the claim or claim line status
claim-totalAllowed 0..1 decimal Claim resources Total $ allowed by payer
claim-totalcoinsuranceamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Patient Coinsurance $
claim-totalcopayamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Patient co-payment $
claim-totaldeductibleamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Patient deductible $
claim-totalhsapaidamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim $ paid by patient HSA
claim-totalnotcoveredamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim $ not covered
claim-totalPaid 0..1 decimal Claim resources Total $ paid for claim
claim-totalPatientPaid 0..1 decimal Claim resources Total $ patient paid for claim
claim-totalpatientresponsibleamount 0..1 decimal Claim resources Claim $ for which the patient is responsible/liable
conceptMap-map-method 0..1 code Element(s) group.element.target of ConceptMap resources How the mapping was created
condition-claimReference 0..1 Reference Condition resources The claim associated with this condition
condition-claimRevision 0..1 integer Condition resources Revision number of the claim
condition-eobReference 0..1 Reference Condition resources The explanation of benefit associated with this condition
condition-referralReference 0..1 Reference Condition resources The referral associated with this condition
Consent.verification.verifiedBy 0..1 Reference Consent resources The primary caregiver associated to this Insurance
consent-comment 0..1 string Consent resources The comment associated to this Consent
consent-encounterID 0..1 Reference Consent resources The Encounter associated to this Consent
coverage-authorizationDate 0..1 dateTime Coverage resources Authorization Date
coverage-authorizationNumber 0..1 string Coverage resources Authorization Number
coverage-authorizationSource 0..1 string Coverage resources Authorization Source
coverage-details 0..1 (complex) Coverage resources Details about the insurance
coverage-encounterID 0..1 Reference Coverage resources The encounter associated with this Insurance
coverage-groupEmpName 0..1 string Coverage resources Insurance Group Employee Name
coverage-groupName 0..1 string Coverage resources Group Name of the insurance
coverage-insuranceCompanyIdentifier 0..1 string Coverage resources Insurance Company Identifier
coverage-insuranceCompanyIdentifierType 0..1 CodeableConcept Coverage resources Insurance Company Identifier Type
coverage-insuredAddress 0..1 Address Coverage resources Insured Address
coverage-insuredAltPhone 0..1 string Coverage resources Insured alternate phone
coverage-insuredDob 0..1 dateTime Coverage resources Insured Date of Birth
coverage-insuredGender 0..1 string Coverage resources Insured gender
coverage-insuredName 0..1 string Coverage resources Insured Name
coverage-insuredPhone 0..1 string Coverage resources Insured phone
coverage-insuredSsn 0..1 string Coverage resources Insured Social Security Number
coverage-medicaidCaseName 0..1 string Coverage resources Medicaid Case Name
coverage-medicaidCaseNumber 0..1 string Coverage resources Medicaid Case Number
coverage-medicareCardNumber 0..1 string Coverage resources Medicare Card Number
coverage-pharmacyCoverage 0..1 string Coverage resources Pharmacy Coverage in the insurance
coverage-policyNumber 0..1 string Coverage resources Insurance Policy Number
coverage-primaryCaregiver 0..1 Reference Coverage resources The primary caregiver associated with this Insurance
coverage-rateCode 0..1 CodeableConcept Coverage resources Insurance Rate Code
coverage-segment 0..1 CodeableConcept Coverage resources Insured Segment
coverage-sequence 0..1 string Coverage resources Sequence of the insurance
coverage-site 0..1 Reference Coverage resources Primary Providers Site Information
coverage-sponsor 0..1 string Coverage resources Sponser for the insurance
coverage-type 0..1 CodeableConcept Coverage resources Insurance Type
dataSource 0..1 (complex) FhirLibrary.MultipleResourceExtensionContext Data source
derived 0..* Reference BackboneElement elements Reference to a possible resource derived from this element
diagnosticReport-copyToCaregivers 0..1 (complex) Coverage resources Caregivers to whom results should be copied. OBR-28
diagnosticReport-documentReferenceStatus 0..1 CodeableConcept DiagnosticReport resources Stores the status of the DocumentReference object, which is independent of the ReportStatus https://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/STU3.1.1/StructureDefinition-us-core-documentreference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.status
diagnosticReport-hl7MessageId 0..1 integer DiagnosticReport resources An identifier for the originating hl7 message
diagnosticReport-hl7ParentObservationSubId 0..1 string DiagnosticReport resources SubID from OBR 26.2
diagnosticReport-parentFillerOrderIdentifier 0..1 Identifier DiagnosticReport resources The filler order number for the parent LabReport. OBR 29.2.1
diagnosticReport-parentObservation 0..1 CodeableConcept DiagnosticReport resources Term associated with the parent observation. OBR 26.1
diagnosticReport-parentPlacerOrderIdentifier 0..1 Identifier DiagnosticReport resources The placer order number of the parent LabReport. OBR 29.1.1
diagnosticReport-specimenActionCode 0..1 CodeableConcept DiagnosticReport resources Specimen action code from OBR-11.1-3
documentReference-copyToCaregivers 0..1 (complex) DocumentReference resources Caregivers to whom results should be copied. OBR-28
documentReference-orderId 0..1 Reference DocumentReference resources The ServiceRequest associated with this document
domain 0..1 string Uri elements Coding system domain
encounter-drg 0..1 CodeableConcept Encounter resources Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) code
encounter-eligibilityDate 0..1 dateTime Encounter resources The date/time of Medicare eligibility
encounter-hospitalNumber 0..1 string Encounter resources Legacy value - no longer used
encounter-organizationRelationships 0..1 (complex) Encounter resources Organizations related to the encounter
explanationOfBenefit-adjudicationDate 0..1 dateTime ExplanationOfBenefit resources The date/time the claim was adjudicated
explanationOfBenefit-claimRevision 0..1 integer ExplanationOfBenefit resources Revision number of the claim
explanationOfBenefit-controlNumber 0..1 string ExplanationOfBenefit resources Control number of the claim
explanationOfBenefit-disposition 0..1 CodeableConcept ExplanationOfBenefit resources Disposition of the claim
explanationOfBenefit-encounterID 0..1 Reference ExplanationOfBenefit resources The encounter associated with this claim
explanationOfBenefitItem-alternateIdentifier 0..1 string ExplanationOfBenefit resources Secondary Identifier
explanationOfBenefitItem-caregiverReference 0..1 Reference ExplanationOfBenefit resources Prescriber
explanationOfBenefitItem-comment 0..1 string ExplanationOfBenefit resources Comment on the item
explanationOfBenefitItem-dose 0..1 decimal ExplanationOfBenefit resources Dose of the medication
explanationOfBenefitItem-doseUnits 0..1 CodeableConcept ExplanationOfBenefit resources Units of the dose amount
explanationOfBenefitItem-filledBy 0..1 Reference ExplanationOfBenefit resources Provider who filled this prescription
explanationOfBenefitItem-frequency 0..1 CodeableConcept ExplanationOfBenefit resources Dosage frequency
explanationOfBenefitItem-isGeneric 0..1 boolean ExplanationOfBenefit resources The medication is generic
explanationOfBenefitItem-prescribedDate 0..1 dateTime ExplanationOfBenefit resources Date the medication was prescribed
explanationOfBenefitItem-problems 0..* CodeableConcept ExplanationOfBenefit resources Problems associated with the item
explanationOfBenefitItem-reconcileStatus 0..1 CodeableConcept ExplanationOfBenefit resources Reconcile Status of this medication
explanationOfBenefitItem-refills 0..1 integer ExplanationOfBenefit resources Number of refills
explanationOfBenefitItem-status 0..1 CodeableConcept ExplanationOfBenefit resources Status of the item
explanationOfBenefitItem-strength 0..1 string ExplanationOfBenefit resources Strength of the medication
explanationOfBenefitItem-therapeuticClass 0..1 CodeableConcept ExplanationOfBenefit resources Therapeutic class of the medication
explanationOfBenefit-mrn 0..1 string ExplanationOfBenefit resources Medical record number of patient
explanationOfBenefit-referralReference 0..1 Reference ExplanationOfBenefit resources The Referral ID for the claim