
Consumers 32.3.0, HIEBus 32.2.0

Changed the format of the QuestionnaireResponse logical ids

Breaking change

QuestionnaireResponse logical id used to be strings like 01947e42-c170-4282-b72e-517e7c3cbce8, now they are strings like 21.01947e42c1704282b72e517e7c3cbce8.


More restrictive conversion of internal values to Observation.valueQuantity

Breaking change

Internal observation values like series of numbers (e.g 12,35,398) were incorrectly rendered as Observation.valueQuantity (e.g. with a numeric value of 1235398) instead of a string. Better checks have been added to ensure that such values are returned as valueString.

The change can be disabled by system administrators to maintain backward compatibility.


Mapped more internal values (4/4)



Consumers 32.2.0, HIEBus 32.1.0
Consumers 32.1.0, HIEBus 32.1.0
Consumers 32.0.0, HIEBus 32.0.0

Populate DocumentReference.status differently

The internal data model has a new Report.DocumentReferenceStatus value that - when present - is used to populate the DocumentReference status element. If Report.DocumentReferenceStatus does not have a value the system defaults to the previous behavior.

When POSTing DocumentReference resources status is mapped to the new Report.DocumentReferenceStatus internal value.

The DocumentReference docStatus element is now mapped to/from the Report.Status internal value.


Fix R4 and STU3 AllergyIntolerance.category

Breaking change

When it was not possible to generate a standard category element because the underlying value could not be mapped the system did output a list with a single element with no value and a data absent reason extension - that is not valid though because category has a required binding. Fixed now not generating a category element at all in that case and rendering the underlying value that could not be mapped as a custom extension.

The change can be disabled by system administrators to maintain backward compatibility.


Added the QuestionnaireResponse resource

Maps the new internal QuestionnaireResponse concept to/from the FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resource.


Do not use permissive parsing for resources that are POSTed or PUT

Breaking change

The system used 'permissive' parsing for resources that where POSTed or PUT to an endpoint, accepting various non-conformant variations in the JSON or XML. Now it always uses strict parsing, that is safer but bound to reject resources that were previously accepted.

This new behavior can be disabled by system administrators.


Add more encounter class values

The underlying data model now support multiple coded values and also a free text for the encounter class. These extra value are mapped to the http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#coding (pre-existing) and http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#text (new) extensions of Encounter.class element.

(H/abf2d37c, H/b1d77aec)