
Consumers 32.29.6, HIEBus 32.28.0
Consumers 32.29.5, HIEBus 32.28.0
Consumers 32.29.4, HIEBus 32.28.0
Consumers 32.29.3, HIEBus 32.28.0
Consumers 32.29.2, HIEBus 32.28.0
Consumers 32.29.1, HIEBus 32.28.0
Consumers 32.29.0, HIEBus 32.28.0
Consumers 32.28.0, HIEBus 32.28.0

lastUpdated fixes

Procedure searches by _lastUpdated did not consider the claim modification date for claim-derived procedures

Immunization searches by _lastUpdated did not consider the claim modification date for claim-derived immunizations.

In some cases the lastUpdated value of Condition resources derived from referral data was earlier (less then) the correct value - now fixed

In some cases the lastUpdated value of Immunization resources derived from claims data was earlier (less then) the correct value - now fixed

Fix lastUpdated value for Condition and Procedure resources derived from claims data

In some cases the lastUpdated value of Condition and Procedure resources derived from claims data was earlier (less then) the correct value - now fixed

Condition searches by _lastUpdated already used the correct value, that could result in resources matching a search but with lastUpdated that seemed not to match it.


Provenance fixes

Possible crashes when using bulk export or the $everything operation to get Provenance resources of Practitioner that do not have any demographic data - now fixed.

Provenance.occurredPeriod.end could have a wrong (earlier than the correct one) value for Patient and Practitioner resources - now fixed.



Consumers 32.27.0, HIEBus 32.27.0
Consumers 32.26.0, HIEBus 32.26.0

Normalize Encounter.classHistory

Encounter.classHistory contain the history of changes to the Encounter.class element, but sometimes the underlying data contains multiple entries with the same class and/or entries out of order - that used to be returned 'as is'. With this change Encounter.classHistory is always in increasing order of period.start and with entries always representing a change in class (i.e. consecutive entries always have a different class - consecutive underlying data entries with the same class are merged).

The change can be disabled by system administrators to maintain backward compatibility.



Consumers 32.24.1, HIEBus 32.24.0
Consumers 32.24.0, HIEBus 32.24.0
Consumers 32.23.0, HIEBus 32.23.0
Consumers 32.22.0, HIEBus 32.22.0

Fix the error when retrieving a DocumentReference and DiagnosticReport with MIME type of 'application/pdf; charset=utf-8'

Fixed the error retrieving DocumentReference and DiagnosticReport content with MIME type of 'application/pdf; charset=utf-8'. The content will be interpreted as PDF.



Consumers 32.21.0, HIEBus 32.21.0
Consumers 32.20.0, HIEBus 32.21.0
Consumers 32.19.0, HIEBus 32.21.0

Update to R4 ExplanationOfBenefit and Basic resources

Added a new custom derived extension, that applies to the clam / referral elements (e.g. ExplanationOfBenefit.item) and contains the full reference to the corresponding derived resource.


Add source-domain and target-domain custom search parameters to the ConceptMap resource

They search by the source and target coding domain respectively.


Update server conformance/capabilityStatement metadata resources with _summary, _elements, _total, and _count parameter documentation

Although supported, these parameters were previously not documented.


Fix search parameters on CodeableConcept elements in multi-tenant deployments

Search parameters on CodeableConcept elements (e.g. `Observation.code``) did not work correctly in multi-tenant deployments: they returned no results when searching for codes specific for that deployment (e.g. codes created by drivers), worked fine when searching for codes that applied to all deployment (e.g. standard LOINC or SNOMED codes), now fixed.


Persist race and ethnicity custom coding tagged as userSelected

Tweak to H/bc48003e: use the first custom codings with userSelected = true to populate the main term, the second custom codings with userSelected = true to populate the alternate one, defaults to the ombCategory and detailed if such custom codings are missing.


Fix wrong Observation counts

'Searches' counting the number of Observations (e.g. [base]/Observation?category=vital-signs&_summary=count) returned the wrong totals if some matching observations had components or sub-observations - that were erroneously considered in the total. Now fixed.


Fix Observation category element

Observations mapped from CareEvolution device data points or device data matched searches for category=activity but their category element was not populated, now it is populated with activity (system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category).



Consumers 32.18.1, HIEBus 32.17.0
Consumers 32.18.0, HIEBus 32.17.0
Consumers 32.17.0, HIEBus 32.17.0
Consumers 32.16.0, HIEBus 32.15.0
Consumers 32.15.0, HIEBus 32.15.0

Fix searches by _source in multi-tenant deployment

Seaching any resource using the _source search parameter did not return any result in multi-tenant deployments. Now fixed.



Consumers 32.14.0, HIEBus 32.13.0

Optionally disable populating the Patient.link element

There is a new server-side option that enable / disable populating the Patient resources link element.

By default the link element is populated with links to other Patient belonging to the same person for non-merged endpoints, and always missing in merged endpoints.


Add more extension definitions

Return StructureDefinition and documentation pages for the custom extensions used in AllergyIntolerance, AuditEvent, CarePlan, CareTeam, Claim, ExplanationOfBenefit, Condition, Coverage, DiagnosticReport and DocumentReference resources.


Persist race and ethnicity custom coding

HIEBus can store only one main term and one alternate term (corresponding to FHIR codings) for race and ethnicity. A race and ethnicity extension has one ombCategory codings, zero or more detailed codings and (since H/14096240) one or more custom codings in http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#coding sub-extension. This change uses the first custom codings (if present) to populate the main term and the ombCategory or detailed one to populate the alternate one instead of considering just ombCategory and detailed codings.


Add Patient.us-core-race and Patient.us-core-ethnicity search parameters

As per US Core 3.1.1 implementation guide.

They are aliases of the pre-existing race and ethnicity search paramereters (that still exist).


Add codings with non-standard systems to ethnicity and race extensions

Race and ethnicity codings that HIEBus had (either from the original data or from mappings) and that could not be used in the standard ombCategory or detailed sub-extensions because of their non-standard system were prevously dropped, now they are added using a http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#coding sub-extension.



Consumers 32.13.1, HIEBus 32.11.0
Consumers 32.13.0, HIEBus 32.11.0
Consumers 32.12.0, HIEBus 32.11.0
Consumers 32.11.3, HIEBus 32.11.2
Consumers 32.11.2, HIEBus 32.11.2
Consumers 32.11.1, HIEBus 32.11.2
Consumers 32.11.0, HIEBus 32.11.0

Optionally disable populating the display element of Location references

There is a new server-side option that enable / disable populating the display element of Location refereces. By default it is populated with the description of the referenced Location.


Fixed possible crash (request failing with error 500) when getting Coverage resources in a multi-tenant deployment


R4 ConceptMap resource

Added the R4 ConceptMap resource, corresponding to HIEBus terms + their mappings (one resource per term).



Consumers 32.8.0, HIEBus 32.8.0

Custom extensions documentation

The main documentation page for each endpoints now include the list of the CareEvolution custom extensions used by that endpoint, each linking to a new documentation page with further details about the extension.


Update to the ExplanationOfBenefit resource


Update to the Claim resource


R4 StructureDefinition resource

Implemented the R4 StructureDefinition resource, returning details about the CareEvolution custom extensions as per https://hl7.org/fhir/R4/defining-extensions.html.


Updates to the ExplanationOfBenefit resource

Breaking changes

Updates to resource conformance for Period fhir date type



Consumers 32.7.2, HIEBus 32.5.0
Consumers 32.7.1, HIEBus 32.5.0
Consumers 32.7.0, HIEBus 32.5.0
Consumers 32.6.0, HIEBus 32.5.0
Consumers 32.5.0, HIEBus 32.5.0

More data in the Provenance resource

Provenance for resources that have been modified at least once now include information about the application and user that originally created the resources (in addition to the pre-existing information about the application and user that last modified it).


DocumentReference and DiagnosticReport output based on system configuration

Previously an internal report concept would map and output to both a DiagnosticReport and DocumentReference resource. Now there is a system configuration that may restrict the output of a DiagnosticReport and DocumentReference based on the source of the report.



Consumers 32.3.0, HIEBus 32.2.0

Changed the format of the QuestionnaireResponse logical ids

Breaking change

QuestionnaireResponse logical id used to be strings like 01947e42-c170-4282-b72e-517e7c3cbce8, now they are strings like 21.01947e42c1704282b72e517e7c3cbce8.


More restrictive conversion of internal values to Observation.valueQuantity

Breaking change

Internal observation values like series of numbers (e.g 12,35,398) were incorrectly rendered as Observation.valueQuantity (e.g. with a numeric value of 1235398) instead of a string. Better checks have been added to ensure that such values are returned as valueString.

The change can be disabled by system administrators to maintain backward compatibility.


Mapped more internal values (4/4)



Consumers 32.2.0, HIEBus 32.1.0
Consumers 32.1.0, HIEBus 32.1.0
Consumers 32.0.0, HIEBus 32.0.0

Populate DocumentReference.status differently

The internal data model has a new Report.DocumentReferenceStatus value that - when present - is used to populate the DocumentReference status element. If Report.DocumentReferenceStatus does not have a value the system defaults to the previous behavior.

When POSTing DocumentReference resources status is mapped to the new Report.DocumentReferenceStatus internal value.

The DocumentReference docStatus element is now mapped to/from the Report.Status internal value.


Fix R4 and STU3 AllergyIntolerance.category

Breaking change

When it was not possible to generate a standard category element because the underlying value could not be mapped the system did output a list with a single element with no value and a data absent reason extension - that is not valid though because category has a required binding. Fixed now not generating a category element at all in that case and rendering the underlying value that could not be mapped as a custom extension.

The change can be disabled by system administrators to maintain backward compatibility.


Added the QuestionnaireResponse resource

Maps the new internal QuestionnaireResponse concept to/from the FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resource.


Do not use permissive parsing for resources that are POSTed or PUT

Breaking change

The system used 'permissive' parsing for resources that where POSTed or PUT to an endpoint, accepting various non-conformant variations in the JSON or XML. Now it always uses strict parsing, that is safer but bound to reject resources that were previously accepted.

This new behavior can be disabled by system administrators.


Add more encounter class values

The underlying data model now support multiple coded values and also a free text for the encounter class. These extra value are mapped to the http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#coding (pre-existing) and http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#text (new) extensions of Encounter.class element.

(H/abf2d37c, H/b1d77aec)