API end point: https://fhir.careevolution.com/Master.Adapter1.WebClient/api/fhir-stu3.

Resource ReferralRequest (STU3)

Maps the CareEvolution Referral concept

Supported interactions

Search parameters

Name Type Modifiers , prefixes Multiple values Can be chained Description
_id Token Yes

Resource id

_lastUpdated Date eq ne lt le gt ge sa eb ap

When the resource last changed

_source Uri :missing Yes

Where the resource comes from

authored-on Date :missing eq ne lt le gt ge sa eb ap

Creation or activation date

context Reference (Encounter) :missing Yes Yes

Originating encounter

encounter Reference (Encounter) :missing Yes Yes

Originating encounter

group-identifier Token Yes

Part of common request

identifier Token :missing Yes

Business identifier

intent Token Yes

Proposal, plan or order

occurrence-date Date :missing eq ne lt le gt ge sa eb ap

When the service(s) requested in the referral should occur

patient Reference (Patient) :missing Yes Yes

The patient the ReferralRequest is about

priority Token :missing Yes

The priority assigned to the referral

provenance-agent Reference (Organization) :missing Yes Yes

Search by provenance, specified by its author (aka originator) Organization

recipient Reference (Practitioner) :missing Yes Yes

The person that the referral was sent to

requester Reference (Practitioner) :missing Yes Yes

Individual making the request

service String :contains :exact :missing Yes

Actions requested as part of the referral

specialty Token Yes

The specialty that the referral is for

status Token :missing Yes

The status of the referral

subject Reference (Patient) :missing Yes Yes

The patient the ReferralRequest is about. Functionally identical to the "patient" search parameter.

type Token :not :in :not-in :missing Yes

The type of the referral


Supports multiple sorts



To FHIR mappings

CareEvolution FHIR
Domain: ReferralAcuity
Bindings:  valueset-request-priority
Comment description
DataSource extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#dataSource')
EncounterID context
EndDate occurrence
Identifier identifier
InitiationDate authoredOn
Notes note
PatientID subject
Property('GroupIdentifier') groupIdentifier
Property('Intent') intent
Bindings:  valueset-request-intent
Property('Reason') reasonCode
Property('Specialty') specialty
ReferFrom requester.agent
ReferFromFacility requester.agent
ReferTo recipient
ReferToFacility recipient
Services serviceRequested
StartDate occurrence
Domain: ReferralStatus
Bindings:  valueset-request-status
Domain: ReferralTemplate

From FHIR mappings

CareEvolution FHIR
Domain: ReferralAcuity
Bindings:  valueset-request-priority
AdmitDate context
Comment description
DataSource extension('http://careevolution.com/fhirextensions#dataSource')
EncounterID context
EndDate occurrence
Identifier identifier
InitiationDate authoredOn
Notes note
PatientID subject
Property('GroupIdentifier') groupIdentifier
Property('Intent') intent
Bindings:  valueset-request-intent
Property('Reason') reasonCode
Property('Specialty') specialty
ReferFrom requester.agent
ReferFromFacility requester.agent
ReferTo recipient
ReferToFacility recipient
Services serviceRequested
StartDate occurrence
Domain: ReferralStatus
Bindings:  valueset-request-status
Domain: ReferralTemplate